Category Archives: Caribbean Lifestyle

Captain Tim travels the Caribbean – living the Caribbean lifestyle. These blogs encompass the habits, attitudes, tastes, dress, and entertainment that epitomize the slow pace of life on a tropical island.

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Learn more about the typical Caribbean way of life. We dive deep into the culture and focus on interests, activities, and hobbies of Puerto Rico and the Caribbean.  These blogs encompass the habits, attitudes, tastes, dress, and entertainment that epitomize the slow pace of life on a tropical island.

Puerto Rican lifestyle, blogs to follow, Puerto Rico, Caribbean games,  clothes, Caribbean food, Caribbean traditions, holiday traditions, Caribbean travel, Puerto Rico, Puerto Rico travel, travel blog, Caribbean decor, Puerto Rican life,

The Art of Palm Weaving

The art of palm weaving is alive and well in Puerto Rico, as it is [...]

Passionate Hurricane Cocktail – An Easy Tropical Cocktail Recipe

This hurricane cocktail recipe serves up passion fruit juice with some lime and rum.  It [...]

Flamin’ Hot Steak with Butter Recipe

This recipe for hot butter sauce takes your steak and bumps it up a notch!  [...]

Mango Colada: A Tropical Twist on the Traditional

Every time Mango season comes around, I am at a loss with what to do [...]

Puerto Rico Food Must Have: Adobo Seasoning

If you are a fan of Puerto Rican food, or you would like to start [...]

Rum-Beer Cocktail: Dark and Stormy Recipe

This is a Caribbean twist on a traditional Dark and Stormy cocktail.  Anything that combines [...]

New Caribbean Candies from Caribbean Trading

Update March 2020: These items have been discontinued for the moment.  We can still provide [...]

Puerto Rican Pinchos: A Quick and Easy BBQ Recipe

If you have ever visited Puerto Rico, you will have seen lots of roadside stands [...]

The Many Ways of How to Use Coconut Oil

There are lots of excellent uses for coconut oil!  With so many coconuts available for [...]

Puerto Rican Sangria Recipe

Sangria is a wine punch. There are several variations on sangria recipes, but a good [...]


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 We hope you enjoy!