Category Archives: Uncategorized

Every once in a while Captain Tim likes to talk about Caribbean travel things that don’t quite fit in the normal categories. These blogs are all about those random things.

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5 reasons why you should take a vacation this season

In any context, the word “vacation” will have a positive connotation. If it is in [...]

Relax and Rejuvenate with a Detox Bath

Relax and rejuvenate with a Detox Bath.  Here is our handy guide to what it [...]

The Different Types of Sugars

There are so many different types of sugars on the market these days.  And I’m [...]

The Businesses in El Yunque Art District

There are so many fun things to do in Palmer, Puerto Rico on the way [...]

The Caribbean Cigar Experience

When we think of the best cigars in the world, Caribbean cigars, we often turn [...]

Try These Caribbean Foods

Caribbean Food You Must Try: A Guide to Caribbean Cuisine Eating different types of food [...]

It’s That Time of Year: Good Food and Good Friends

When it is time to count me blessings, the top of the list is always [...]

Limin’ Coconut Shrimp Recipe

This Limin’ Coconut shrimp recipe is made very easy by using Caribbean Trading Company’s Coconut [...]

Caribbean Trading El Yunque Winner of 2016 TripAdvisor Certificate of Excellence Award

Palmer, Puerto Rico – June 8, 2016 – Caribbean Trading El Yunque, a souvenir and [...]


Before you go

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 We hope you enjoy!