Category Archives: Travel
Lots of great information about a wide range of Caribbean Travel tips and topics including things to do and places to see.
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Where is Puerto Rico?
Where is Puerto Rico? What is Puerto Rico all about? When to travel to Puerto [...]
Is Puerto Rico Safe?
Is Puerto Rico Safe? This is a question we get asked often by prospective travelers [...]
Events in Puerto Rico November
Another month in 2012 has officially ended and once again we find ourselves looking forward [...]
The Crew’s 5 Favorite Things to Do in Eastern Puerto Rico
There are so many things to do in Eastern Puerto Rico – where does one [...]
Scary Spooky Haunted Caribbean
As Halloween approaches, there is no better time to take a look at some of [...]
Planning a Conference? Add Caribbean Spice to your Conference Gifts
Finding conference gifts and giveaways for your upcoming conference can often be a headache. Consider [...]
La Isla de Vieques
Located off the eastern coast of Puerto Rico is the island of Vieques. It houses [...]
Strange Caribbean Reefs: Cancun Marine Park
An underground migration of concrete people is surely to catch even the most weathered adventurers [...]
Visit Puerto Rico-The “Isle of Enchantment”
Visit Puerto Rico! Puerto Rico has more fascinating places to go than any other island [...]
Caribbean Sunsets
The Caribbean islands are famous for their sunshine—and rightly so. Is there anything more daydream-worthy, [...]