Tamarind Balls: Quick and Easy Tamarind Recipe

tamarind recipe

Try these Bolitas de Tamarindo for an authentic Caribbean dessert. This tamarind recipe makes about 12 balls. It features the tropical fruit the Tamarind. The ripened sticky pulp has a musky flavor and is sweet and sour due to the sugars and the acid in it. These tamarind balls offer a striking balance between sour and sweet. However, the more ripe the tamarinds the sweeter they will be, so you definitely want to search out the ripest tamarinds you can find.

Ingredients Needed for this Tamarind Recipe:

    • 1½ cup of tamarind pulp
    • ¾ cup of regular sugar
    • 1/8 cup of cane sugar
    • Oil Spray


    1. Cover a baking pan with oil spray
    2. Mix regular sugar with the pulp and heat over medium heat in a heavy saucepan.
    3. Stir continuously until the mixture starts to darken..
    4. Once it becomes so thick it’s hard to stir, remove from the heat and pour onto the pan. Cool to room temperature.
    5. Cover your hands with oil and make small balls (1 inch [2.5 cm]) in diam.
    6. Cover the balls with the remaining sugar.


You can find this recipe on our Yummly Page as well.  Hit the Yum Button so you can add it into your recipe box:

Macadamia Cane Sugar – 15.87 oz.

This article was written by Captain Tim and the Crew of Caribbean Trading Company.

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