Category Archives: Caribbean Lifestyle
Captain Tim travels the Caribbean – living the Caribbean lifestyle. These blogs encompass the habits, attitudes, tastes, dress, and entertainment that epitomize the slow pace of life on a tropical island.
Read moreLearn more about the typical Caribbean way of life. We dive deep into the culture and focus on interests, activities, and hobbies of Puerto Rico and the Caribbean. These blogs encompass the habits, attitudes, tastes, dress, and entertainment that epitomize the slow pace of life on a tropical island.
Puerto Rican lifestyle, blogs to follow, Puerto Rico, Caribbean games, clothes, Caribbean food, Caribbean traditions, holiday traditions, Caribbean travel, Puerto Rico, Puerto Rico travel, travel blog, Caribbean decor, Puerto Rican life,
Captain’s Broccoli and Chicken Stir Fry
Let this delicious chicken stir fry dance on your taste buds. Step One: Cooking the [...]
Simple Red Sangria Recipe
Because everyone should know how to concoct a pitcher of Sangria, Caribbean Trading Company presents [...]
Tea Time with the Captain – Tropical Green Tea
A favorite among crewmates, Captain Tim’s Tropical Green tea is the perfect infusion of green [...]
Frozen Margaritas by the Pitcher
There are countless ways to make a frozen Margarita – But for the perfect backyard [...]
What’s Inside that Gift Basket?
What goes into a Caribbean Trading gift basket? Customized and priced to fit your special [...]
Basil Chile Watermelon Agua Fresca
This Basil Chile Watermelon Agua Fresca is an adjustment to a drink recipe that comes [...]
The Pirate’s Perfect Pork Chop Recipe
This recipe calls for 6 lean pork chops cut ½ inch thick and a grill. [...]
Coconut Lemon Drop Martini
This Lemon Drop Martini is a light and fruity alternative from a stiff martini, this [...]
Tea Time with the Captain – Citrus Tea
When deckhands are a little under-the-weather, it’s time to serve up a pot of Captain [...]
The Caribbean Surfer: A Jager Shot
Hang Ten and then some with this gnarly shot. After a full day of surfing [...]