Category Archives: Caribbean Lifestyle

Captain Tim travels the Caribbean – living the Caribbean lifestyle. These blogs encompass the habits, attitudes, tastes, dress, and entertainment that epitomize the slow pace of life on a tropical island.

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Learn more about the typical Caribbean way of life. We dive deep into the culture and focus on interests, activities, and hobbies of Puerto Rico and the Caribbean.  These blogs encompass the habits, attitudes, tastes, dress, and entertainment that epitomize the slow pace of life on a tropical island.

Puerto Rican lifestyle, blogs to follow, Puerto Rico, Caribbean games,  clothes, Caribbean food, Caribbean traditions, holiday traditions, Caribbean travel, Puerto Rico, Puerto Rico travel, travel blog, Caribbean decor, Puerto Rican life,

Celebrate Punch Day with this Caribbean Rum Punch Recipe

September 20th is National Punch Day and we here at Caribbean Trading Company are celebrating [...]

Mango Sorbet Recipe: A Quick and Easy Caribbean Food Recipe

In these hot sultry days of summer, nothing appeals more than a cold sorbet to [...]

The Many Uses and History of a Pilon

There is no better souvenir for Puerto Rico than the Pilon (also known as a [...]

Join us for A Caribbean Twitter Tweetchat on August 20th

We are excited to announce our 3rd Caribbean Twitter TweetChat focused on the Caribbean  and [...]

The Rums of Puerto Rico

We are celebrating the Rums of Puerto Rico today as August 16th happens to be [...]

Caribbean Plantain Salad: Quick and Easy Caribbean Food Recipes

This Caribbean Plantain Salad recipe is excellent for a weekend family gathering.  Filled with tropical [...]

Taino Symbols of Puerto Rico: An Introduction

Puerto Rico was inhabited by the Taino Indians long before Columbus arrived in 1493.  They [...]

We are Celebrating Mustard Day!

Earlier last month we celebrated Beer Day, and on August 1st we are celebrating Mustard [...]

Puerto Rican Beer : Craft Brews, Puerto Rican brands, and where to find them

August 5th is Beer Day and down here in Puerto Rico we like any reason [...]

Limbers: A Puerto Rican Food Recipe

Looking to add a bit of Caribbean flavor to your summer? Check out our online [...]



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 We hope you enjoy!