Screaming Deviled Eggs Recipe

deviled eggs recipe

This deviled eggs recipe is a sure favorite for any party or barbecue.  A spicy twist to Deviled Eggs with this this Caribbean spicy Mustard.  The spicy mustard gives it a small kick of heat without becoming too powerful.  It will appeal to those who don’t appreciate hot items as well.  And the best part about deviled eggs is that they are quick and easy to make!

Ingredients Needed to make this Deviled Eggs Recipe:


1 First hard boil the eggs. Drain hot water from pan and run cold water over the eggs.

2 Peel the eggs. Then, using a sharp knife, slice each egg in half, lengthwise. Gently remove the yolk halves and place in a small mixing bowl. Arrange the egg white halves on a serving platter.

3 Using a fork, mash up the yolks (not too much) and add mustard, mayonnaise, and relish, salt and pepper. Spoon egg yolk mixture into the egg white halves. Sprinkle with your choice of garnish.

You can find this recipe on our Yummly Page as well.  Hit the Yum Button so you can add it into your recipe box:

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