Mango Colada: A Tropical Twist on the Traditional

mango colada

Every time Mango season comes around, I am at a loss with what to do with all of the mangoes!  In my search for new ideas, I came across a recipe for a Mango Colada via and I had to give it a try.  It was a yummy alternative to the traditional Pina Colada.

Serves 4

Ingredients Needed to Make the Mango Colada:

    • 1/2 cup unsweetened pineapple juice
    • 1 cup ripe mango cubes
    • 2 tablespoons fresh lime juice
    • 3 ounces (1/3 cup) cream of coconut
    • 3 ounces (1/3 cup) light rum
    • 1 cup crushed ice


    1. Place all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth and thick. Pour into tall glasses and serve with a straw.


It’s that easy to make a Mango Colada!  You can find this recipe on our Yummly Page as well.  Hit the Yum Button so you can add it into your recipe box:


This article was written by Captain Tim and the Crew of Caribbean Trading Company.

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