Caribbean Trading’s Tesoro del Sol Coffee Featured

tesoro del sol coffee

Our Tesoro del Sol Coffee is featured in a book about all of Puerto Rico’s coffee history & brands. This book features pictures of all of the different brands of coffee found in Puerto Rico.  Riqueza Cafetalera de Puerto Rico atraves de su Historia, Marcas y Empaques.segunda Edición.Departamento de Educación. Santurce Puerto Rico. Autor .José F. Molina Fernández ( experto en historia de nuestro Café.

As you can see both our Tesoro del Sol coffee and our coffee postcards have been featured….

tesoro del sol coffee

Produced for Caribbean Trading Company at the top of the Uroyan mountains, 2300 feet high in the heart of western Puerto Rico.  The farm uses no pesticides and the coffee is handpicked when fully ripe, carefully depulped, washed, sun dried and stored under strictly controlled humidity conditions.  This extra prime coffee is then roasted to perfection with great care given to maintaining its superior quality.   100 % café arabico, our coffee is soft bodied with a sweet aroma, giving it that legendary “Old Caribbean” character.

More Information:

If you are interested in purchasing the book, it can be found HERE

If you are interested in trying our our awesome Tesoro del Sol coffee, it can be purchased HERE.

And…. if you would like to learn more about the coffee industry and it’s history, here are links to two of my favorite resource websites:

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