Search results: “coqui” – Page 1

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Meaning of the Coqui Taino

The Coqui Taino symbol is the representation of the Coqui for the Taino tribe and [...]

Holiday Coquito Cocktail Recipes from The Condado Plaza Hilton

Add a tropical twist to this season’s holiday entertaining by serving holiday Coquitos, rich and creamy [...]

Chocolate Coquito

Coquito is a favorite holiday tradition in Puerto Rico – but Chocolate Coquito is a [...]

Coquis: A Puerto Rican Cultural Icon

The Puerto Rican coquis are a very tiny little frog that is endemic to Puerto [...]

Coquito: A Rum Drinks Recipe

Coquito is Puerto Rico’s version Eggnog, but without the egg-y flavor. If you are looking [...]

Celebrate Frog Jumping Day with Puerto Rico’s Coqui Frog

May 13th is Frog Jumping Day!  Well, this day was just made for Puerto Rico [...]

What is a Coqui?

The Island of Enchantment, Puerto Rico, is home to one of Nature’s most melodious creatures, [...]

The Art of Choosing the Perfect Caribbean Souvenir T-Shirt

When travelling the Caribbean, a place famed for its vibrant tradition, lush landscapes, and pristine [...]

Gift Selection Guides – Choosing Puerto Rican Gifts for Christmas

Christmas is a festive, heartfelt season in Puerto Rico, celebrated with colorful traditions, family gatherings, [...]

San Sebastian Street Festivities: Christmas Season in Puerto Rico

The San Sebastián Street Festivities, also known as “Fiestas de los Ángeles Calle San Sebastián,” [...]

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