Do you like to feel pretty all the time? Or maybe you are an influencer who likes to do product testing and reviews for your channel. Here at Caribbean Trading Company, we do our best to get the word out about our unique products. But wait! We definitely know that customers will always want to hear the most neutral and unbiased opinions from our products. That’s why we are inviting our friends in the blogosphere to use our products in their daily lives, letting them participate in our product testing and review program to ensure that quality checks are always up to date and provide the best service to our clients.

It doesn’t matter who or what you are. Whether you’re a hot sauce lover, a renowned chef, or a gourmet, if you’ve got a blog relevant to our products, we would definitely love to hear your opinion! We’ll send you a free product sample, and all we ask in return is an honest review of it for your blog to help us improve and keep the best quality! Interested? Give us a shout using the form below.

Have more questions? See our FAQ below.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What are the qualities that you are looking for in blogger reviews?

Original photography, thoughtful editorial or recipe, unique perspective and an engaged community of followers.

Yes, we are open to YouTube reviews.

We don’t have a hard limit. Instead, we decide this on a case-by-case basis. Each product requires a separate review and posting.

Yes, we are, but this is determined on a case-by-case basis and requires an active community and large viewership.

We will! Provide us with a link to your review and we will promote across all of our media channels.

Absolutely,  Please contact us to pitch your idea.  We are always looking for quality content about the Caribbean