Puerto Rico Hot Spots – Caribbean Trading https://caribbeantrading.com Your Puerto Rico / Caribbean Connection Mon, 20 Jun 2022 18:48:41 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 https://caribbeantrading.com/wp-content/uploads/cropped-favicon-1-32x32.gif Puerto Rico Hot Spots – Caribbean Trading https://caribbeantrading.com 32 32 Skateparks Puerto Rico and Cabin Boy Bernie’s Favorite Spots https://caribbeantrading.com/cabin-boy-bernies-three-favorite-spots-for-skateboarding-puerto-rico/ https://caribbeantrading.com/cabin-boy-bernies-three-favorite-spots-for-skateboarding-puerto-rico/#respond Tue, 16 Feb 2021 15:00:49 +0000 https://caribbeantrading.com/?p=14805 Skateparks Puerto Rico and Cabin Boy Bernie’s Favorite Spots

Skating is a fun urban activity very popular among teens and young people. Doing it while hanging out with friends is one of the most favorite ways to spend their free time, and Puerto Rican youngsters are not the exception. There are many skateparks in Puerto Rico to practise.

Skateparks Puerto Rico

There are many places where people can go and practise their skating skills, but three places stand out among the others.

La Plaza de Luquillo

La Plaza de Luquillo (Luquillo’s Square) is one of the best places to learn how to skateboard. With an enjoyable environment to learn the basics of skating, it is most likely to find and meet many locals that like to skate there too.

Close to this skatepark spot there is a beach and a lot of nice places to eat. This is a top one of many puertorican locals skaters because of the kind people that frequent it and have fun.

Stop in and visit our El Yunque Store while you are there!

Rincon SkateTown

This skateboard spot is a great place to visit and have fun with local skateboarders or even people from around the world. Rincon is very famous for its beaches and surfing activities, which brings a lot of people from around the globe to surf or even skate in Puerto Rico.

It is also an amazing place for those who want to meet new people and hang ou. A lot of people frequent this place not to practise, but to watch others skate. The Skate Park itself has art all over it in which people from New York painted and designed which brings a nice urban scenery.

It has ramps, rails and a lot of more obstacles to skate. Although it isn’t one of the biggest skateparks in Puerto Rico, it certainly is big enough to do crazy tricks. Make sure to always wear protection because the place can be a bit slippery and takes a while to get used to it.

Stop in and visit our Rincon Store while you are there!

Mayaguez SK8 Plaza

This skate spot is located right by the beach on the west side of Puerto Rico. Known for its very big ramps all around the park made out of cement, it has many visitors daily. The surface is smooth and depending on the season it’s filled with leaves making it a bit uncomfortable for people practicing.

Still, the environment and how everything is set up provides wonderful scenery. The ramps are spread out and they are very steep.  People that frequent this place love it since it is a great place for skaters of any skill level.

Puerto Rico Skating Stories

Puerto Rico, like many other small island countries around the Caribbean, have a rich history related to urban and coastal sports such as skate and surf. Some renowned people have made a name in the world thanks to skating.

Manny Slays All

Emanuel Santiago, nicknamed “Manny” or “Manny Slays All” has made history for Puerto Rico multiple times. Being probably the most famous skateboarder from the island, he has achieved many goals that any skater can dream of.

He is the first Puerto Rican skater to participate in the SLS (Street League Skateboarding), an international tournament founded in 2010. With many participations, he managed to achieve the bronze place in 2020 at the X Games celebrated in Barcelona.

Manny also was the first Puerto Rican skater to represent his country in the skateboard discipline during the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games, finalizing in the 14th position.

Skate Mamis

Another recognized group of skaters from Puerto Rico are known as “Skate Mamis”. This crew created by Grace Fernández was built in order to empower girls and women into the world of skateboarding through hype and support. 

This movement works for more women participation in competitions, skate culture not only in Puerto Rico, but all around America. Currently all their members are from the island, between the age range of 14-28 years old.

La Perla, a Skater Canvas-City

La Perla is the outside part of the city walls that cover Old San Juan. It was originally the home city of a slaughterhouse, cemeteries and former slaves that managed to leave their past since they had prohibited to live in the city.

Historically related to poverty and hardship, the town has lately gained a bit of life and color thanks to something: skating. A movement led by Chemi Rosado-Seijo started working on converting La Perla into a colorful and lively place, getting rid of its past.

They have turned many old abandoned places and pools into skating parks, which are filled with water during the weekends for kids. 2006 was the year when the first concrete skate park celebration was inaugurated, and has been turned into a skating canvas since.

Curious Benefits of Skateboarding

Curious Benefits of Skateboarding

Skateboarding is a safer practice than many people think when all the protection methods are being used. Also, skating provides many curious health benefits that can help children develop their skills.

Just like any other sport, the health benefits it grants are obviously related to physical activity. Skateboarding offers a huge advantage for those wanting to improve their coordination, pain tolerance, stress relief, reflexes, precision and patience.

Improved Coordination

skating improves the hands, eyes, legs and feet coordination. When practicing, the skater needs to alter their movements in order to skate smoothly and accurately.

Better Pain Tolerance

it is not the only sport that can improve someone’s pain tolerance. But it is undoubtedly clear that skating means constantly falling, tripping, cutting your knees and elbows. This helps to improve the practicant’s pain tolerance and resilience, physically and emotionally..

Useful for Stress Relief

Practicing skateboarding is an easy way for some people to relieve some of their stressful life moments or frustrations. Meeting new people, practicing and hanging out with them also helps.

Improved Reflexes

it is very tied with coordination. Falling or stopping quickly needs skaters to have very quick reflexes in order to brace yourself and prevent a collision from happening. That makes everyone learn quickly that running into a railing is not ideal for newcomers.

Better Precision

skateboarding takes a lot to pick up on. It is a must to constantly adjust weight from one direction to another, learning to switch speed, and perfecting tricks when enough practice permits it.

More Patience

skateboarding, like other sports, requires a huge amount of patience. It is not possible to become Tony Hawk after getting on the board for the first time. It will happen: falling countless times, missing a tricky, will test a skater’s patience many times.

Skating, like other sports, can also help youth in other ways not related to health. It has many positive impacts in behavior and society, keeping them out of trouble and surrounded by a non hostile or dangerous place related to crime.

Interesting Facts about Skating

Interesting Facts about Skating

Skating is a very popular discipline, mostly in urban areas. But there are many facts and curiosities that are not very famous or known by many people.

Skating is the 6th Most Popular Sport

Skateboarding earned this fame and ranking based on the number of people who are skaters around the world. It is known that almost over half of all American skaters live in California, US. This makes it one of the most popular areas in the world to practise skateboarding.

The First Skateboard

The first skateboard ever created was called the “Roller Derby Skateboard” and was put on the market in 1959. It was very different compared to today’s skateboards. Its wheels were made of clay!

After 50 years of constant progress and development, the modern boards are built using several layers of wood compressed together to gain strength. Meanwhile, the wheels are now made from polyurethane.

It Was Not Always Called Skateboarding

When it first started gaining popularity, skateboarding was known as sidewalk surfing. This name was chosen because skaters replicated the techniques that surfers did, but on paved surfaces. One of the first imitations was crouching down to touch the pavement, just like surfers do it with the sea.

First Skateboard with Graphics Line

Jim Muir and Wes Humpston are very famous names in the skateboarding world. They were the first ones to market the first successful line of skateboards with graphics or stickers on them. These products were marketed under the name “Dogtown”. After that, almost every brand started to use this method.

Nowadays, there are many brands and companies that also sell stickers and decals for skateboards and surf tables.


Skateparks in Puerto Rico have a rich story, such as those in La Perla. This urban sport has many spots to practise, attracting tourists and locals from many places that want to enjoy it. It is vital to remember that protection is always needed in order to avoid any injury or fracture.

Come and enjoy your next vacation in Puerto Rico and don’t forget to pack your skateboard!

Looking to add a bit of Caribbean flair to your life? Check out our online shop  for gourmet hot sauces, seasonings and other Caribbean treats and Caribbean bath and body items.

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https://caribbeantrading.com/cabin-boy-bernies-three-favorite-spots-for-skateboarding-puerto-rico/feed/ 0
The Businesses in El Yunque Art District https://caribbeantrading.com/businesses-of-el-yunque-near-me/ https://caribbeantrading.com/businesses-of-el-yunque-near-me/#respond Tue, 10 Nov 2020 14:00:57 +0000 https://caribbeantrading.com/?p=9428 There are so many fun things to do in Palmer, Puerto Rico on the way to El Yunque National Forest!  The little town of Palmer is filled with many unique businesses in El Yunque Art District.  From breakfast and lunch, to drinks and tapas, ice cream and shopping, you can easily while away several hours exploring this little town! It is located along Road 955 (aka Calle Principal) and the intersection of Road 191.  Here is a small listing of the Businesses in El Yunque Art District:

Anibal’s Bar

  • Stop in for cold beers after your trip to the Rainforest!

Puertorrican Bakery

  • Breakfast and Lunch – featuring local cuisine

Caribbean Trading Company

  • Caribbean Spices and Sauces –  Nautical and Tropical Gifts –  Fresh Puerto Rican Coffee –  Fine Premium Cigars –  Fine Jewelry – Puerto Rican Art – Souvenirs – Resortwear and Destination T-shirts Hot Sauce and Coffee Tastings
  • Open Daily 10am-6pm
  • www.caribbeantrading.com

Castro Ferreteria 

  •  Hardware  and General Store

Degree 18 Juice Bar  

  • Smoothies, Craft beers, Tapas, Vegan


  • Food truck

Senor Carrucho

  • Ceviche

Peccas Helado Artesanal

Artisan Ice Cream, Crepes, Frappes, Alcoholic Iced Cream

Lluvia Deli Bar & Artefacto

  • Light Menu, Pastries, Coffee, Brunch and Lunch
  • Free Wifi, Artisan gallery
  • https://www.lluviapr.com/index.html

Mi Vida Café & Burgers

Palmer Medical Services

Pizza Land

  • Pizza, Calzones, Gyros

Puertorrican Bakery

  • Bakery and Local Cuisine

Artisan Forest

artist gifts and souvenirs

Puma Gas Station

  •  Has an ATM

U.S. Post Office

https://caribbeantrading.com/businesses-of-el-yunque-near-me/feed/ 0
Take a visit to Portalito Hub in Palmer https://caribbeantrading.com/take-a-visit-to-portalito-hub-in-palmer/ https://caribbeantrading.com/take-a-visit-to-portalito-hub-in-palmer/#respond Thu, 11 Oct 2018 12:54:38 +0000 https://caribbeantrading.com/?p=11720 Update April 2020: Portalito Hub is no longer open.  After two years and the start of the coronavirus pandemic, it was closed down. El Yunque National Forest continues to work on repairing the main El Portal Visitor’s Center after Hurricane Maria and it is expected to reopen at the end of 2021.  You can still enjoy El Yunque!  You now need a reservation ticket purchased online to be able to enter the main recreation area along Road 191 North just above Palmer.


El Portal is El Yunque National Forest’s official visitor’s center but as many of you know, with the passing of hurricanes Irma and Maria in September 2017 the facilities were severely damaged, as well as roads and trails. Six months later Portalito Hub opened to serve as the temporary visitor’s center for the forest and a community engagement center.

While El Portal facilities undergo repairs and renovations, all the educational and interpretive information on the forest and ecosystems that was offered at El Portal can now be experienced at Portalito Hub. There is a 20 minute movie about El Yunque which can be seen upon request in English or Spanish and on-site interpretive guides so you will basically experience it all like before. Portalito Hub also contains a site for seminars, workshops, special events and programming offered by partnering organizations which are focused on education and economic growth.

Portalito Hub is also our neighbor, located a minute from us at #54 Calle Principal in Palmer and the operation hours are 10am–4pm, 7 days a week. You should stop by before visiting the forest, it is totally worth it!

https://caribbeantrading.com/take-a-visit-to-portalito-hub-in-palmer/feed/ 0
Chinchorreo at Luquillo https://caribbeantrading.com/chinchorreo-at-luquillo/ https://caribbeantrading.com/chinchorreo-at-luquillo/#respond Tue, 04 Sep 2018 20:19:48 +0000 https://caribbeantrading.com/?p=11666 Are you interested in tasting what our local food has to offer and enjoy a beach view? Well let’s go! Right after El Yunque Rainforest, you will find Luquillo, a town on the north-east coast of Puerto Rico.  It’s a favorite of locals and lovers of chinchorreo.

What is a Chinchorreo?

Chinchorreo is a group of people that go to a cozy bar or “chinchorro” to eat, drink, dance and have fun.  It is very popular on the island. There are many of these “chinchorros” at the  Luquillo beach area.  They are known as Luquillo kiosks–  Kioskos de Luquillo.


This is an area with a large selection of food.  Sixty bars and restaurants offer a great gastronomic variety.  Options include fresh seafood, local fried foods, and cuts of meat.  No matter which one you choose, you will be totally satisfied! There is usually live music on most days of the week, especially the weekends.   Salsa, Merengue, Jazz and more.


Why Luquillo?

Luquillo, known as the Capital of the Sun, has a beach that is known as one of the most beautiful beaches in Puerto Rico. El Balneario La Monserrate offers parking for your convenience.  Along the coast you can choose from one of the many great spots to launch yourself into a dip in the warm crystal clear waters. Many come to practice water sports here such as surfing, jet skiing, kite surfing and kayaking. This public beach offers showers, covered gazebos, and usually a lifeguard on duty.  A great place to organize family gatherings!


The beautiful crystalline waters and great culinary variety of this town are a must-see attraction.  It is worth the trip to schedule at least a day in Luquillo. Get in your car and go to this spot to witness its charms. Complement your chinchorreo by stopping at our Rio Grande store for some fresh Puerto Rican coffee, Caribbean spices and sauces, quality gifts, souvenirs and local arts.

https://caribbeantrading.com/chinchorreo-at-luquillo/feed/ 0
Cabin Boy Bernie’s Top 5 fun places to go in North-East Puerto Rico https://caribbeantrading.com/cabin-boy-bernies-top-5-fun-places-go-north-east-puerto-rico/ https://caribbeantrading.com/cabin-boy-bernies-top-5-fun-places-go-north-east-puerto-rico/#respond Wed, 15 Nov 2017 13:11:15 +0000 https://caribbeantrading.com/?p=10994 These are my top 5 favorite places to go in north-east Puerto Rico:

  • El Yunque- El Yunque National Forest is the only tropical rain forest in the national forest system located in North-East Puerto Rico near Rio Grande and Luquillo. There you can experience water falls, beautiful views and animals like the native parrots and the famous Coqui frogs. El Yunque is a place for adventure so if you’re looking for a fun and breath taking experience, I would definitely visit and learn more about the rainforest. One way to really have a great adventure is to hire a tour guide that can show you the best trails and tell you the names of the plants, trees and other interesting facts.
  • Piñones- Piñones is a famous and fun place that offers awesome Puerto Rican food from numerous roadside food kiosks and restaurants that line PR 187 through Piñones towards Loiza. You’ll find all kinds of great food and souvenirs and enjoy the beautiful beaches of Piñones. It’s a perfect place to spend the entire day while you’re in Puerto Rico.
  • Bioluminescent Bay- Laguna Grande The bioluminescent bay is located in Northeast Puerto Rico in Fajardo and is considered one of the best bioluminescent spots in the world. There are many tour operators to choose from and they will tell you all about the ecosystem and what causes the water to glow. Tours usually last about two hours each and all the equipment you will need are included. Whichever trip you choose, a change of clothing, towels, light sandals and—of course—waterproof cameras are recommended! You’ll have a fantastic time there.
  • San Juan– San Juan is the capital and the most populous city in Puerto Rico. Founded in 1521 by Juan Ponce de León, who named it City of Puerto Rico. Some of the things that you should do in San Juan are exploring the streets of Old San Juan which has lots of history. I would recommend going to El Morro which is an old fort and a National Historic Site built to protect the city of San Juan. It is also a great place to fly kites because it has a huge open grassy area and it’s just a perfect place to have fun. You can spend the whole day walking around looking at all of the cool stores, restaurants and just watching all of the people are one of my favorite things to do.
  • Luquillo beach- Monserrate Balneario- This beach is one of the most popular beaches in Puerto Rico and among the prettiest in the north-east side of Puerto Rico. This beach is a Blue Flag Beach so it meets the standards of water quality and facilities certified by the Foundation for Environmental Education. People love to surf, swim, jet ski and spend time with their family or friends doing their favorite activity. It is a beautiful beach and right behind you are the mountains and the El Yunque Rainforest. There is plenty of parking and the fee is $4.00 per day to park.

If you are visiting Northeast Puerto Rico please stop by our Company Store located right at the base of El Yunque.  We have a a lot of brochures and information on lots of other great places to go if you want.  Enjoy your stay!

https://caribbeantrading.com/cabin-boy-bernies-top-5-fun-places-go-north-east-puerto-rico/feed/ 0
Fun Puerto Rico History Facts https://caribbeantrading.com/fun-puerto-rico-history-facts/ https://caribbeantrading.com/fun-puerto-rico-history-facts/#respond Wed, 01 Nov 2017 14:16:46 +0000 https://caribbeantrading.com/?p=10735 Who doesn’t love a good Puerto Rico history fact?  Here are some of our favorites facts about the history of Puerto Rico.  If we missed one please comment and let us know!


Puerto Rico History Fact #1:

  • Gothic churches are rare in the New World, but Puerto Rico has two: Porta Coeli, built in 1606 in San German and San Jose, built in the 1530’s in Old San Juan.


Puerto Rico History Fact #2:

The first shot fired by the United States in World War I was in Puerto Rico and not in Europe. It was fired by Lt. Teofilo Marxuach when an armed German supply ship tried to force it’s way out of the bay.


Fact #3:

Puerto Rico was taken by the U.S. as spoils of war following the defeat of Spain in the Spanish-American war of 1898.


Fact #4:

El Morro, officially known as Fuerte San Felipe de Morro, has stood guard over San Juan Bay for more than four centuries and is one of the largest forts built by the Spaniards in the Caribbean.


Fact #5:

San Juan is the oldest city in US territory, founded in 1521 by Ponce de Leon.

https://caribbeantrading.com/fun-puerto-rico-history-facts/feed/ 0
5 Fun Puerto Rico Nature Facts https://caribbeantrading.com/fun-flora-fauna-factoids-puerto-rico-nature-facts/ https://caribbeantrading.com/fun-flora-fauna-factoids-puerto-rico-nature-facts/#respond Fri, 15 Sep 2017 14:01:15 +0000 https://caribbeantrading.com/?p=10728 Who doesn’t love a good Puerto Rico Nature Fact?  Here are some of our favorites about the flora and fauna of Puerto Rico.  If we missed one please comment and let us know!

Puerto Rico Nature Fact #1:

  • Mona and Monito Islands are located between Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic. These small islands are considered the Galápagos Islands of the Caribbean Sea. No other reef and offshore island habitat with such ecological uniqueness, invaluable habitat, and biological diversity within such a reduced surface area. For these reasons, Mona and Monito Islands is recognized by the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico as a Natural Reserve. The islands are a critical habitat for endangered marine turtles, sea birds and occasional migratory marine mammals. You can scuba dive there with private operators.

Puerto Rico Nature Fact #2:

  • Wood from the native tree “El Guayacan” is so strong that it suffers less wear than steel.

Puerto Rico Nature Fact #3:

  • The only native mammal in Puerto Rico is the bat.

Flora and Fauna Fact #4:

  • Puerto Rico has 4 of 7 bio-luminescent bays in the world.

Flora and Fauna Fact #5:


The flora and fauna of Puerto Rico is famous for its’ biodiversity.  One of the best places to experience it is in El Yunque Rainforest.  Stop by Caribbean Trading Company Store to get your souvenirs of the flora and fauna of Puerto Rico, including the famous coqui!  Click on this link to Get Directions

If you are visiting the Rincon area to enjoy Mona Island, stop by and visit our store in Rincon to get all of your flora and fauna souvenirs of Puerto Rico.  From magnets to t shirts, all of your souvenir fauna needs will be fulfilled.  Get Directions.

https://caribbeantrading.com/fun-flora-fauna-factoids-puerto-rico-nature-facts/feed/ 0
Old San Juan Guide for Visitors https://caribbeantrading.com/old-san-juan-tourist-guide/ https://caribbeantrading.com/old-san-juan-tourist-guide/#comments Tue, 15 Aug 2017 14:00:50 +0000 https://caribbeantrading.com/?p=10975 This Old San Juan Guide will get you orientated in preparation for your visit.  Old San Juan is the oldest settlement within Puerto Rico and the historic colonial section of the city of San Juan.


Visit San Cristobal Fort

San Juan was founded in 1521 located in the North West of the city. Old San Juan is full of colorful architecture and rich history. It’s also home to San Cristóbal Fortress that offers sweeping views of the city and provides a journey back to the colonizing days where it was used to fight off any invaders. It was also used to hold people captive but it all stopped when the Americans won the Spanish-American war in 1898.  Over the years it’s now a museum that people can visit.


Stroll the Streets

Old San Juan is a very populated area and well known for shopping in the Historic District of Old San Juan. In Old San Juan the streets are filled with stores, artisans and restaurants to go and visit.  You can find Caribbean Trading’s awesome products in many of the stores there. I like to go eat and party at the different plazas and food trucks.


Visit El Morro Fort 

I suggest one of the first things to do in San Juan is to go visit El Morro to see the views.  See how everything operated in the past. Next best thing is to fly a kite in the grassy area in front. By then you’ve probably worked up an appetite! .


Visit the Museums and Art Galleries

From the Children’s Museum to Casa Blanca, the home of Juan Ponce de Leon to a bunch of art galleries, there are many museums and art galleries throughout Old San Juan.  Learn about Pablo Casals or Feliza Rincon de Gautier, the first female mayor.  This site has up-to-date information on what’s open.


There are also some tourist spots for kayaking and paddle boarding.  If you’ve done everything listed here, then go and visit the casinos if that interests you.

If you want to explore outside the city, visit our store in Rio Grande in Palmer next to El Yunque.  We also have a store in Rincon. Caribbean Trading Company has the best gift shops in the Island. Try our hot sauce challenge.  We offer a great family experience.  Our employees will guide you and give you great tips on fun places to go.

https://caribbeantrading.com/old-san-juan-tourist-guide/feed/ 1
12 Awesome Adventures in Northeast Puerto Rico https://caribbeantrading.com/12-awesome-adventures-northeast-puerto-rico/ https://caribbeantrading.com/12-awesome-adventures-northeast-puerto-rico/#respond Sat, 15 Jul 2017 14:00:01 +0000 https://caribbeantrading.com/?p=10980 There’s so much to love about Puerto Rico, so I picked my favorite 12 awesome adventures in Northeast Puerto Rico. Towns like Rio Grande, Palmer, Luquillo, Fajardo, and Ceiba are all found in the northeast corridor and are all approximately 35-45 minutes from San Juan airport. They just keep getting better and better with awesome things to do, see, and eat.

1) ENCOUNTER Turtles, Sting Rays, and Lobsters

Come face-to-face with turtles and hover past sting rays as blue tang, and colorful snapper swim by. In Marina Puerto Del Rey in Fajardo tour operators will take you out on a catamaran or you can rent a “mini boat” to the best snorkeling spots, some near deserted islands. It’s one of my favorite ways to spend the day on and under the water. The tour operators supply everything you need for a fun day.

2) WITNESS a Glowing Blue Bay at Night

Learn the science as to why this is one of the most unique experiences in Puerto Rico. In Las Croabas Fajardo and Vieques there are numerous tour operators who guide you via kayak through the mangrove forest into a vast bio bay. Here you will witness bioluminescent plankton glowing blue. It’s a very unique tour everyone should experience.

3) PADDLE to Underwater Sea Life

Near Seven Seas Beach in Fajardo is where you’ll find vendors who will set you up with stand up paddle boards or kayaks.  If you’ve never done it before, don’t worry, they’ll give you a lesson. Pirate Snorkeling Shack is one of my favorite. They give you a map to the reefs or they’ll give you a private tour. The water is calm and clear.  You can hop off your kayak or paddle board and spend time snorkeling. You’ll be amazed at what you’ll see underwater very close to shore.

4) COOL YOUR JETS from the Summer Heat

On Luquillo and Seven Seas Beaches you can rent jet skis. They’re a great way to experience the beach from another perspective while getting your adrenaline rush in northeast Puerto Rico.


In the heat of the Puerto Rican sun, you need to cool yourself off!  After a hike to La Mina Falls enjoy a cold dip in the water while the waterfall cascades down the rocks and over your head. El Yunque National Forest in Rio Grande, the only tropical rainforest in the U.S. National Forest System, is where you’ll find great hiking trails, refreshing waterfalls, and breathtaking views.


You’ll truly be entertained at the Kiosks in Luquillo.  Over 70 beach front vendors offer local Puerto Rican food such as mofongo, tostones, and pinchos. You can also find that hamburger or pizza, but why?  When in Puerto Rico eat like a local.  The food is delicious. In the evening, many venues have entertainment such as Charlie Sepuvelda, a famous Puerto Rican jazz artist.


You’ve always wanted to surf, now’s the time. Catch a wave at La Pared in Luquillo. There are several surf schools who would be happy to give you a lesson in this northeast Puerto Rico town. With a sandy bottom it’s a perfect place to learn to surf.  You’ll never forget catching your first wave.


Your friends will be jealous when you tell them about the incredible adventures you had in Puerto Rico.  Zip line tours are available at the base of El Yunque Rain Forest in Rio Grande. You’ll be outfitted with everything you need to fly over the treetops.


ATV adventures, horseback riding, and go carts are available at the foothills of El Yunque National Rainforest, Rio Grande.  This area is surrounded by mountains, rivers, and trails which make it perfect terrain for these activities. Puerto Rico’s spectacular scenery will amaze you.


The little town of Palmer, which you go through to get to El Yunque, is a quaint place to stop for a cool drink or a tasty lunch. The town also offers shops featuring hand-made products, artisanal goods, t-shirts, and specialty foods such as hot sauces. Caribbean Trading is my favorite.

11)  GET HANDS ON with Nature

Get hands-on and hold phytoplankton or stroke a sea cucumber. Find out which mango trees make the water red and climb to the top of a 19th century lighthouse for spectacular views of the surrounding islands. La Cabezas de San Juan Nature Reserve in Fajardo will provide you with an interesting and informative tour as you explore the sensitive eco-systems with trained guides. Tours can be booked through the nonprofit organization Para La Naturaleza.

12) FLY OR FERRY to the Spanish Virgin Islands

Take a short flight from Ceiba or a ferry from Fajardo to the islands of Culebra or Vieques.  Both islands have beautiful beaches, but Culebra has one of the world’s famous – Flamenco Beach. Soft sand and crystal clear water make it a favorite for many. Tamarindo beach is the best for snorkeling with turtles.  On the island of Vieques is where you’ll find one of the two bio bays located on the northeast. Exploring either island is a great way to spend an action packed day of snorkeling, swimming, and exploring.

There’s no denying Puerto Rico has plenty things to do and see. The island has numerous coconut trees, too.  If you need a break from snorkeling or zip lining, crack open a coconut and sit on one of the many beautiful beaches with the warm crystal blue water lapping at your feet.


This post was written by Sandy Ruyack, President of Write Choice Marketing a marketing firm dedicated to raising funds for nonprofit organizations.  She’s also an avid blogger with a passion for Puerto Rico and the Caribbean Islands. Her blog Boulevards and Byways inspires others to take the road less traveled with unique things to do and tasty places to eat. She’s always available to write travel related marketing materials for tourism boards and tour companies. Stay up to date by following Boulevards and Byways on: Facebook   Pinterest   Instagram

https://caribbeantrading.com/12-awesome-adventures-northeast-puerto-rico/feed/ 0
Celebrate National Piña Colada day with Puerto Rico Resorts Recipes https://caribbeantrading.com/celebrate-national-pina-colada-day-puerto-rico-resorts/ https://caribbeantrading.com/celebrate-national-pina-colada-day-puerto-rico-resorts/#respond Mon, 26 Jun 2017 13:40:05 +0000 https://caribbeantrading.com/?p=10639 In Celebration of National Piña Colada Day, July 10th, mix up these Piña Colada-inspired food, beverage and spa recipes from Puerto Rico resorts El Conquistador, A Waldorf Astoria Resort and The Condado Plaza Hilton.

Puerto Rico is the island where the Piña Colada was created, after all! So where better to find recipes that highlight the authentic flavors of the Pina Colada.


A Tropical Delight: “Piña Alocada” | The Condado Plaza Hilton


  • 1 ½ oz. Coconut flavored vodka (such as Ciroc)
  • 1 ½ oz. Coconut water
  • 1 ½ oz. Pineapple juice
  • ½ oz. Cinnamon syrup
  • Pineapple wedge (for garnish)


Mocktail version:


  • 1 oz. Coconut Water with Coconut pieces
  • 2 oz. Pineapple Juice
  • 1/2 oz. Cinnamon Syrup



  1. Add all the ingredients to a shaker and fill with ice.
  2. Shake, and strain into a glass filled with fresh ice.
  3. Garnish with a pineapple wedge.
  4. Enjoy!



A DIY Sugar Scrub: Waldorf Astoria’s Spa Coconut Sugar Scrub | El Conquistador Resort, A Waldorf Astoria Resort

Celebrate National Piña Colada Day with this deeply nourishing and hydrating, this scrub is a tropical ritual that originated in the South Pacific. Following the sugar scrub, buff away aging skin cells by applying a rich blend of cold pressed coconut oil to nourish, moisturize and protect skin.



  • 2 oz. Pure Coconut Oil
  • 1 oz. Coconut Milk
  • 1/3 oz. Organic Refined Sugar
  • 2 oz. Coconut Hydrating Lotion



  1. Mix the coconut oil and coconut milk with the sugar, making a smooth, light paste.
  2. Apply in a circular motion throughout the entire body.
  3. Rinse off in shower or tub.



A Healthier Treat: Besitos de Coco (Coconut Kisses) | El Conquistador Resort, A Waldorf Astoria Resort


Celebrate National Piña Colada Day with this cookie recipe. If Puerto Rico had a national cookie, it would be besitos de coco – also called “coconut kisses.” Here is a lighter version of the much-loved treat, recipe courtesy of Michelle Rivera, Pastry Chef at El Conquistador Resort, A Waldorf Astoria Resort.





  1. Set the oven to 350 degrees. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper.
  2. In a large bowl, whisk to blend the coconut, sugar, flour, and salt.
  3. In another bowl, whisk the eggs.
  4. Stir into corn syrup and butter into the egg mixture.
  5. Add the egg mixture to the dry ingredients and mix well with a spoon until completely blended. Let the mixture rest at room temperature for 10 minutes.
  6. Form 2 tbsp. mounds on the parchment, arranging them about 2 inches apart. Place a second sheet of parchment over the mounds and flatten them slightly with another baking sheet or pie pan to make 2-inch-thick rounds. Lift off the sheet or pan and parchment and use your fingers to press in any uneven edges to form neat rounds.
  7. Bake the cookies, rotating the sheet halfway, for 15 minutes or until golden, a little darker on the bottoms and around the edges. Transfer the cookies to wire racks and cool completely.


A Decadent Dessert: Piña Colada Cobbler | El Conquistador Resort, A Waldorf Astoria Resort

Celebrate National Piña Colada Day with this decadent cobbler.  Recipe courtesy of Michelle Rivera, Pastry Chef at El Conquistador Resort, A Waldorf Astoria Resort.



For the filling:

For the sauce:

  • 2 c. Pineapple Juice
  • 3 c. Coconut Cream
  • 1/4 c. Cornstarch
  • 1 c. Water

For the cobbler dough:

  • 3 c. All-Purpose Flour
  • 3 c. Cake Flour
  • 2.5 tbsp. Baking Powder
  • 1/2 tsp. Salt
  • 1 c. Sugar
  • 1 lb.  Cold Butter
  • 2 c. Sour Cream



  1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.
  2. In a saute pan over high heat, melt butter.
  3. Add to the melted butter the pineapple, salt and sugar. Cook until caramelized and flambe with the rum until alcohol has evaporated, strain and set aside.
  4. In a saucepan, bring the pineapple juice and coconut cream to a boil, then let sit to room temperature.
  5. Combine the two mixtures in a baking container, cover with the cobbler dough and bake for 15-20 minutes at 350. Serve warm topped with coconut ice cream.
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